It's easy to jump straight from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday and miss the drama that unfolded on the streets of Jerusalem during Holy Week. This series of daily readings is an invitation to slow down and catch a view of Jesus through the eyes of some of the minor characters whose stories are often overlooked. This fresh perspective on the events of Holy Week is also an invitation to ask questions of our own lives as we seek to live as Easter people.
Before the Bible was words on a page, it was flesh and blood. In my first book, you can travel between the lines of scripture to listen in on the conversations of people wrestling with the Story of God for the first time. Whether sitting around a fire in Babylon, reclining at table in Asia Minor or huddled together by candlelight in Rome, you’ll encounter a tale that you may find both familiar and surprising. An ideal introduction to the ‘big story’ the Bible is telling, The Story of God, the Story of Us is read by individuals, small groups, Sunday School classes and entire churches. It is assigned in college and seminary classes, and has been translated into Korean and Portuguese.