TEN: Words of Life for an Addicted, Compulsive, Cynical, Divided and Worn-out Culture
What if the Ten Commandments aren’t just a set of rules, but the very means by which God intended to create a free people from a group of former slaves? What do these Ten Words have to say to a culture – and a church – where people live in bondage to all manner of things? You’re invited to listen in on a series of conversations between a diverse group of people in a coffee shop, exploring together where these Ten Words intersect with their own lives, and hearing the story of the liberating God who continually invites us into the freedom for which we were all created. Also available in Korean.
“You’ve never heard the Ten Commandments taught quite like this.”
~ Michael Frost, author of Incarnate and Exiles
"I have read Ten with great interest. Two things in particular struck me. First the way Sean shows how the 'rules' are in the service of a relationship. And second, the way Sean weaves the commandments into real life situations with real people. The latter is a special pastoral gift."
~ Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Seminary
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